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Sponsor a Child

Amari’s core project is the education and extended support of orphaned and vulnerable children living in our village and surrounding villages in Buliisa District. Our aim is to invest in them spiritually and educationally through quality Christian education, and deliver a holistic program that nurtures the growth and development of each child.

There are two options for Child Sponsorship

  • Full sponsorship for $90 per month
  • Shared sponsorship for $45 per month
School Buildings and Development
School Buildings and Development

Donations towards capital works helps us to build the physical infrastructure of our property. The ongoing projects are school buildings and staff accommodation. From time to time there are one-off projects, such as fencing, borehole and the initiation of our solar farm. Amari has a core team of builders and grounds staff, and employs extra casual labourers during the more busy times.

Over the past several years we have had an Australian team come for a couple of weeks at a time to help with some of our one-off projects such as the fencing, or solar farm setup.

Children's Emergency Medical Support

About five years ago, Amari staff came across a three-year-old child in one of our neighbouring villages who had club feet. Kisembo had never seen any medical specialists, as the transport and living costs (let alone the medical costs) in major cities was too prohibitive. Since that time, we have assisted (and are providing ongoing assistance) to about 10 children needing assessment, treatment and reconstructive surgery.

Emergency Relief and Special Projects
Emergency Relief and Special Projects

From time to time, Amari assists a community member with emergency relief or assistance. This might be food shortage, hut reconstruction, covering transport costs for medical care or educational assistance. This assistance is not ongoing, and generally Amari ensures that family and community members are also contributing to help alleviate the situation.

Amari may also contribute towards equipment or the training of a community member, to help them start generating their own income.

Donations Not Requiring a Tax Receipt

If you would like to make a donation, and do not require a tax receipt for Australian tax purposes, you can make a direct deposit into the following account(s). If you make a donation towards a specific project, could you please indicate in the deposit details, or send us an email.


Bank of Melbourne
Amari Community Development
BSB: 193 879
Acc: 411041958


Bank of Melbourne
Amari Community Development
BSB: 193 879
Acc: 410281010

Tax Deductible Donations

Tax deductible donations are made through our partner organisation Australia Hope International, who will then forward the money to Amari, and receipt the donor.
(AHI charges a 7.5% administration fee).

Donations can be made into the following funds:
- Capital Development
- Children’s Medical
- Emergency and Relief
- Special Projects
- Where Most Needed

(Tax deductions cannot be given for evangelism, church-related work or church buildings )

Direct Deposit
Direct Deposit

If you would like to make a tax deductible donation via direct deposit, please use the details below:

Account Name: Australia Hope International

BSB: 105025

Account Number: 050219640

Reference:Amari – your surname”  E.g. “Amari – Smith”

Contact Us
Connect with us to be a part of our community-driven efforts to make a positive impact.
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